Saturday, October 3, 2009

Week 5, Thing 11: Web 2.0 Winners

I have more Web 2.0 Award winners to browse through, but I really spent some time getting to know Library Thing.  I just realized that this site is one of our future "Things", but I am really excited about the possibilities of this tool in my classroom.  Immediately, I was offered a tour and I took it.  This helped me get acquainted with what this tool offers.  As an end-user, I want to be showed the tour not forced to look for it.  That was a nice feature.  The registration is one step and within 30 seconds I can start exploring.

My 6th grade classroom has a library of about 500 books.  I have been collecting ever since I've started teaching and have developed a decent collection.  Although I have had the students organize and manage the library in the past, I have never had a catalogue.  As I was touring Library Thing, I wondered if this could be a tool for my classroom library.  Making it public, my students could use this as an online catalog to search for books.  I could print it out and keep a copy in my library.  I have added about 25 books so far and found it very easy.  Easy enough that students could help me input books.  I have used the LC information so subject headings are also included.  This will allow my students to even search by subject.  Because it's based on a controlled vocabulary, the success may be limited but it is definitely a start.

This site has me excited about starting my own catalog!  This could be a great tool for classroom libraries to catalog what they have and make it accessible to students.

1 comment:

Lesley Farmer said...

excellent job describing analytical process, results, and applications. Your approach to Rollyo is right on target. True, students are spending more time on extracting than searching, but that can be the objective for another task.